Why I Love Adventure Novels
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Pharo, Bhutan
Outside Magazine recently came out with an article about “The Outdoor Books that Shaped the Last Decade”, which I’ll definitely be wanting to read through and that inspired some reflection on why outdoor novels are such a favorite.
First and foremost, adventure books provide such inspiration when there are other things going on in life. Somehow when reading about someone struggling with life and death or to conquer a life dream, it makes the stresses of daily life feel pretty reasonable in comparison. Intense situations always help crystalize what’s really important in life.
These kinds of books always give me ideas for future adventures or places that I want to see in the world. Even if you don’t want to go to the specific place discussed in the book, they’re a great source of ideas and learning.
Adventure books are also a great way to escape when you might not have the time, money, or vacation to go on the kind of trip that other people might have the access to. And of course, it’s always good to “visit” places you may have no interest in whatsoever! Like all books, adventure novels give the opportunity to try on other people’s shoes and check out a new place or test a new potential version of yourself.
If you’re in the mood to go on your own adventure, check out some of my favorites here:
Left wanting more? Don’t worry, here are some upcoming adventure reviews that will be published soon: